Name: Soundtrack (Stage Name: rEject)
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Significant Other?: No
He’s a raver-geared pony. Based all of his marks off CD-type symbols and the colours off the colours commonly used in equalisers. Red coat for the loud parts and green/yellow for the quieter parts. He’s got a marvellous singing voice but he doesn’t necessarily like singing. He’s more for dubstep remixes and things like that even though he isn’t particularly good at it. Despite that he spends a lot of time locked up in his room/studio just doing that.He doesn’t really open up to people and comes across as rude/insensitive much of the time, but when he does, he’s extremely possessive about it to an unhealthy degree. He’s huge into raving and kinda forces the few ponies he’s friends with to enjoy it too. In a relationship, he would be very romantic, but also very stubborn. He would sing his partner to sleep. He would, however, also be incredibly possessive over them, perhaps to the point of keeping them there through emotional abuse if they hurt him or tried to leave him. He’s hard to change, this one.