Okay, another instalment into my series of tagging guides. This one was a nightmare to make, but I hope it’s worth it.
Vectors used are Hawk9mm’s Pinkie Pie – Smiling, ShelltoonTV’s Darling (Rarity), KyssS90’s Twilight Sparkle – Alicorn, RainbowDerp98’s Flash Sentry, Silentmatten’s Prince Blueblood, and Shnakes’s Big Mac. Spoiler images used are all by MegaHerts and can be found here, here and here.
The “obvious shipping” picture is by LuckyShy and can be found here. The “obviously not shipping” picture, by My-little-Brony, is here. Steamroller988’s Rarity and Fluttershy picture is here, and I still don’t know if it’s shipping or not. The gay Rarijack picture is by offals and can be found here. Finally, here is the cute Flutterdash picture by comikazia. (No, I’m not linking Flutterdash porn for you. Sorry.)
Anyway, I’m probably going to pass out from all the effort it took making this, so no more guides for a while. Hope you appreciate this. [*collapses*]