Sweetie Belle: “Ms. Cheerilee, look what I got you for Hearts and Hoofs day!”
Mrs. Cheerilee: “A d-diaper?”
Sweetie Belle: “Well yeah, I thought it looked cute and-”
Mrs. Cheerilee: (Smiles) “Awh, Sweetie Belle I love it!”
Sweetie Belle: “Well aren’t you going to put it on?”
Mrs. Cheerilee: (Swallows) “Sure?” (Get’s on ground and pins the diaper around her waste)
Sweetie Belle: (Beams) “So do you like it?!”
Mrs. Cheerilee: “Actually yeah, it’s kind of comfortable…”
So this was a request from “magicman66”, a pretty good one too!
If you guys would like to request which pony I should diaper next, or you have a request; please feel more than welcome to leave a comment down below!
I hope you guys enjoyed the picture and I wish you all a nice day! ~ Oliver-England