“These are some of the kids we ran into during our trip to equestria”
Jasper and Emerald
Rarity and Spike’s children, Jasper had no real interest in what we were doing at carousal boutique yet wanted to avoid babysitting his little sister Emerald as much as possible.
Sunrise Sherbet is Starlight’s oldest (since she announced her second pregnancy after we had left) I dont know much about her nor do i know who her father is… mostly cause sunset refuses to tell me.
Rainbow Twist is Rainbow Dash and Soarin’s daughter, we caught her hanging around the boutique a lot since she has a “passion for fashion” as RT put it.
Quipster is Pinkie pie and cheese sandwich’s kid, he told a lot of rock jokes to us that were actually pretty funny.
Flurry Heart and her friend X made an appearance when i got to meet the pony counter part of Cadence, it was interesting to see how my brother and sister-in-law would handle ruling over an entire kingdom.
((Jasper, Sunrise Sherbet and Quipster all belong to @kaitlinmarley))