The early morning sun shines down on the town of Longbridge, County Shire. At the edge of the town square, the terminus station of the Trottingham Vale Light Railway is already a hive of activity. As the first passengers begin to arrive, the staff prepare for the oncoming rush, while over in the yard the crews are getting their engines ready for another day’s work. While the railway’s main locomotive depot is a mile and a half up the line, Longbridge Central Station has a small three-road engine shed and yard which acts as an overflow of the main depot and is host to the engine that pulls the first train of the day.
Standing proudly outside the shed today is a most peculiar locomotive, bearing the name “CELESTIA” and the legend “FAIRLIE’S PATENT” on its gleaming green water tanks. The flagship of the railway, locomotive no. 1 has been tasked with pulling the first train and its regular crew are working hard to prepare it for the day. Stokie Cinder the firemare pulls herself onto the engine to refill the sandpots, while driver Conrod Stephens oils the valve gear. They are assisted by fellow driver Shammy Shine, polishing the brasswork to her usual high standard, while her partner on the footplate Smudge brings out the ever important flasks of tea.
So begins another day on the Trottingham Vale Light Railway. Ferrying passengers, slate, livestock and other goods up and down 24 miles of winding railway. Serving day and night…