DeviantArt (December 11, 2022 at 7:09:08 PM UTC)
.ADOPTION: Stallion with glasses. [CLOSED]
Owner: vk.com/id418453301.✦-------------------------------------------------------------✦.
.SB: 18$ (1 123₽ ).
.MI: —
.AB: 160$ (9 981₽)..Rules.
⒈ Sale only with the presence of 1 new full-fledged art,
⒉ Don't make new rules.
(All rules are passed along the chain)..✦-------------------------------------------------------------✦.
I have no intermediaries
.✦-------------------------------------------------------------✦..Payment to Sber/QIWI/boosty(you can pay there via PayPal, I'll sent the instructions),
.I can make some changes in the design, colors, gender etc. But not radically,
.You will receive a high quality image via google mail,
.Reservation from two to three weeks,
.End 24 hours from last bid,
.If payment is not received within 24 hours they will be put back up for sale,
.I can finish ahead of schedule.
.✦-------------------------------------------------------------✦.#adopt #adoptable #adopts #black #design #mlp #ponyadopt #ponyadoptables #mlpadopt #mlpadoptables #adoptsopen #pony_adopt #pony_adoptables #mlpadoptablesopen