DeviantArt (November 18, 2024 at 9:19:24 PM UTC)
Watcherverse- Sunshine, rainbows and gems.
Hello, hello, hellooo! And we are back to our usual pastel pony programming! Continuing my Watcherverse intros! This time of the Dash-Belle-Shimmer family! Quite the last name isn't it? Anyways i'm super happy about how this turned up! I accidentally ended up giving it a bit of a vaporwave vibe, but i think it fits their aesthetics quite well! C:And oh! Before starting with the little stories of this piece, i'll mention that i'll be opening my commissions soon! (either this weekend or next week) So be sure to keep an eye on my posts if you would like an illustration from me C:!
Now with the stories!:
1) “Bye my darlings! Have a great day!”
“Bye babes!”
“Bye, love you two, see you later!”“What a day huh, dears?”
“Phew, you can say so Rares, even I’m exhausted”
“Mhm, five meetings with diplomats and I still have some paperwork to do…actually a lot of paperwork”
Rarity, Rainbow and Sunset are incredibly busy mares, Rarity being Equestria’s favorite designer, Rainbow the new captain of the Wonderbolts and Sunset being Twilight’s advisor. Even if because of their work they can’t see each other much during the day, their love isn’t affected in any way, and they love to relax at night hearing stories of their day.2)
“Mommy look what I can do! I’ve practiced this all week! Look! Look!”“Check this new song I learnt Ma! It’s so cool”
The trio’s kids arrived in rapid succession, and they were quite a handful when they were little. With their mothers being so talented it wasn’t a surprise their kids were as well, always succeeding with flying color in their activities, and always wanting to show their moms what they had learnt. Rarity, Rainbow and Sunset are really proud of their kids, and even if they had a very busy schedule, they always managed some time to spend with them and attend their activities.
“Ughh, how much longer do you need getting yourself dolled up?”
“Well Rad, some of us actually like looking presentable, especially when we are out in public”
“What do you mean by that?”
“That if you at least had the decency to brush your mane ,you would be so much popular!”
“My mane is FINE! And who says looking like a glitter bomb made you “popular” sis.
“Ask Equestria’s Music Chart, dear bro”
It was no surprise either that their kids are VERY competitive, specially between the two eldest, Supernova and Rad. Clashing heads even when they were foals, one being the overachieving eldest and the other the middle child that wanted to prove his worth, most of the time they are fighting over the smallest of things. On the other hand, they absolutely adore their baby sibling, Tivy, in their eyes they can’t do nothing wrong, even if all of them are all grown up they still fight over who Tivy prefers to spend time with. Tivy loves their big sister and brother and doesn’t pay much mind to their endless bicker.4) And finally, the kids bios!
· Supernova Dazzle (she/her): The eldest daughter and rising Rock superstar, her voice is like a thunder booming in a storm (inherited from their mothers!), she enjoys the glamour and status of her lifestyle, even if she can get a bit overwhelmed by the spotlight sometimes.
· Radiant “Rad” Rays (he/him): The middle child who can’t say no to a challenge, and that has given him his popularity as a daredevil who can perform the most dangerous of stunts, quite hotheaded. As a fun fact, his star glasses aren't just for aesthetic, he does need them to see (his eyesight comes from Mother Rarity)
· Creativity “Tivy” Burst (she/her.they/them): the youngest sibling and baby of the family, quite eccentric and as their name suggest incredibly creative. They are very talented in magic and very powerful, but they don’t pay much mind to that fact, instead they like to focus on their countless amounts of hobbies, they can always try something new and exciting!I adopted Supernova and Creativity from @Glamgoria-Adopts (thank you so much! )
And i adopted Radiant from @Chesshire-Code ! (sorry it took me so long to use this baby! C,: )
#mlp #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #mylittlepony #rainbowdash #mlpfriendshipismagic #raridash #raritymylittlepony #mlpnextgen #mlpnextgeneration #sunsetshimmer