DeviantArt (August 17, 2024 at 7:00:44 PM UTC)
Watcherverse- F is for family.
Hello again! : D i came back with another watcherverse post! This time about one of the strangest ships in this AU ( you can check out the other mane 6 ships here! and i'll introduce other ships later) i absolutely adore crackships so i really enjoyed working on this!Also! Thank you so much for your comments in the last post 🥺🩷 I really appreciate it! You guys are the absolute best!
1) “Morning Jackie! Mwah!”
“Mornin’ Cheese, ya didn’t have to wake up so early…”
“Nonsense! The apple of my eye needs the best breakfast to start the day and I make the BEST pancakes in all of Equestria”
“Ya sure do hun”
“GOOD MORNING! How are my two favorite named-after-food ponies doing today? OH! Do I smell Cheese’s scrumptious pancakes?”The relationship between Applejack, Discord and Cheese Sandwich it’s far from the traditional Apple way, in fact you could say it is…chaotic. They aren’t married, after all how can you tie down a literal chaos being, but they have a bond that ties them together, they are soulmates after all, and the relationships between the three of them shift between platonic and romantic.
2) When the topic of having a family was brought up, surprisingly all of them had similar opinions. Cheese was thrilled at the thought of some little party members, Applejack had always wanted a big loving family and Discord thought a little spawn of chaos wouldn’t hurt. The question now was “how?” , to be honest Discord wasn’t even sure how did draconequus reproduce, and AJ wasn’t exactly sure about carrying a draconequus, Apple family babies were known for being big but with Discord’s size who knew how big the baby…or cub? Could be.
Their answer came a few days after, when Discord suddenly disappeared from the house, when Cheese and Applejack went looking for him and found him in the barn, laying across the hay, broody and hissing at them and fiercely protecting…an egg?
After exchanging confused looks and after Discord relaxed and explained that the egg was in fact their little bundle of joy, Cheese couldn’t help but coo at it in awe and Applejack sighing in relief at the fact she wouldn’t have to lay any eggs herself lol.
And so their family grew with a little egg popping in between a few years, three draconequus were quite a handful but their parents managed to keep up. That was until when the kids were on their teen years, Applejack found out she was pregnant. She was actually excited at the thought, she missed the little pitter patter of hoofs (or rather, foots?) and she didn’t mind another baby…until the doctor hit her with the news that it wasn’t only one foal, but three. Whoops, Cheese Sandwich fault lol, multiple foals do run on his family side (I headcanon Cheese Sandwich is a quintuplet! you can check it out here)
3) Just in case before I do the introduction of the kids, I’ll explain their family tree. The white line with color streaks mean they were born from an egg, and the three of them are listed as their parents because with Discord’s chaos magic neither can’t be exactly sure who is who’s parent (though you can kind of tell). The triplets are biologically AJ and Cheese children.
· Jack-of-all-trades (full name is actually Flapjack Jackalope Fluffernutter Apple-Sandwich, BUT DON’T YOU DARE CALL HER THAT): The eldest child of the herd, and the most serious of the bunch. With a strong sense of justice she wanders around Equestria catching bad guys as a bounty hunter.
· Tatterdemalion: the second child of the herd, nicknamed Ragamuffin, he has a strong connection to nature, especially trees. He enjoys spending his days outside strolling around the orchards.
· Animal Style Triple Hayburger: the third child of the herd, they whip out the strangest food combinations imaginable…and somehow make it work. They want to open their own diner someday; they just need to convince ponies to try out their food.
· Jamboree Jubilee (Jammy): eldest of the triplets and fourth child of the herd, she is a beaming ball of energy that she spends making the catchiest jams you have ever heard! Or they will be one day, she is sure of it!
· Cheer-Up-Buttercup (Butter): the fifth child of the herd, he always tries to make those around him smile! He is a bit of a prankster too, but his pranks are (mostly) lighthearted.
· Toast Sandwich (Toasty): the youngest of the herd thought the nature of his name suggest he would be as boring, he is a curious child that will ask everything about anything.4) With Cheese traveling from town to town as a party pony, Applejack taking care of Sweet Apple Acres and Discord jumping through the universe, they decided to split the kids so it wouldn’t be such a handful taking care of them at all times and so that each could spend time with them. Once a week they exchange parents, but there is a few times they are all together in the farm.
I used these backgrounds:
And i got Jammy and Butter from @Glamgoria-Adopts , and Toasty from @MagicMusicalMadness , thank you so much again! : D#applejack #cheesesandwich #mlp #mlpmylittlepony #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #mlpnextgen #mlpnextgeneration #discorddraconequus #discojack #cheesejack