DeviantArt (November 9, 2022 at 4:02:11 PM UTC)
Bad End AU- I got you.
Yayy FINALLY something wholesome! And with my favorite ship of the AU too C:Fluttershy struggling with the discomfort and stress of her first pregnancy + bat urges and Sombra being a supportive hubby comforting her.
Poor Flutters was on edge when she was pregnant with their firstborn, Seraphim, mostly due to the fact that there wasn't many records of umbrums hybrids and her bat pony attacks had increased since the full moon lasted longer.
#mlp #nextgen #sombrashy #fluttershy #mlpmylittlepony #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #mlpfriendshipismagic #mlpnextgen #mlpnextgeneration #kingsombra