DeviantArt (July 6, 2021 at 3:58:46 PM UTC)
Bad End AU: Mother dearest pt.2
Did i forgot about making the second part?...maybe :,)Rainbow Dash: After her little "fling" with Chrysalis, Rainbow was surprised that they had produced an offspring, still, she tries her best to look after the little spawn. She really doesn't considers herself a mother, more like a guardian to Venom Sting. Rainbow tries to impart good morals into the child, mostly because he is all "Mother Chrysalis said this, Mother Chrysalis said that" and usually followed what she said blindly, his mother wanted what was best for him after all. Both Rainbow and Venom are really proud and cocky, and when they hanged out they teased each other in a playful manner.
Pinkie Pie: When Pinkie brought the subject of kids to Discord he was truly intrigued by it, since he assumed that draconequis just popped out fully grown, so what's more fun than a little experiment? He brought an egg to existence using his magic containing the twins. Pinkie was excited at first, not one but TWO mini versions of her! She showered them in attention, playing and singing, until they needed to rest being babies and all, and that was a little too boring for her, so she left them alone until they became more energetic, boomers. As they grew older she kind of lost interest, being in a chaotic daze, so to spice things up she decided to have another one, Harlequin, it didn't quite worked out. She often goes into her escapades with Discord leaving her children behind, but at least she plays with them! When will she learn that not all is fun and games...
Fluttershy: She was worried, so worried through her first pregnancy,that child represented the union of her and Sombra but she also felt it represented treason to her friends. All thoughts of that were buried when Seraphim was born, it was one of the things that they couldn't take away from her, and thus came Calla Lilith and Blood Rosabella after. She is very doting of her children, often in a "mother duck" kind of way, raising them as best as she could, She knows they have a darkness in them that she couldn't erase, so she tries to appease it.
#fluttershy #mlp #nextgen #discopie #kingsombra #sombrashy #rainbowdash #pinkiepie #mlpfriendshipismagic #mlpnextgeneration #queenchrysalis #discorddraconequus #nextgenmlp