DeviantArt (July 5, 2020 at 11:24:48 PM UTC)
(OUTDATED)Bad End AU: Cousins.
Top Row:Masonry Oven (red stallion): Masonry was the product of an arranged marriage between Big Mac and Limestone Pie, since the Apple Family was gaining status and wealth, being one of the most lucrative farm and with Applejack being the head of the farmers, they decided to combine their farms together, buying the land that once belonged to the Pears. Their marriage didn't really worked out, and decided to divorce, the two families still have a good professional friendship. Masonry is a chef/baker that works at Canterlot.
Key lime (green mare) and Gold Digger (yellow colt): After her divorce, Limestone felt a little bitter at Big Mac for "taking away" her new family, she quickly married the next stallion who fancied her, who was Flim. Key Lime may look like a sweetheart, adored by the elite, but she has backstabbed many ponies to get where she is now. Gold Digger is really rude, a bully, this is why most of the time he is alone, he only gets well with Gold Leaf (Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon's daughter).
Tender "Teddy" Core (cream stallion): After his failed marriage Big Mac fell in love with a worker at the apple farm, Bulk Biceps, together they had Tender Core, and are happily married. Teddy has the strength (and heart) of his fathers, unlike them, he is very good at making delicate things, he does fruit baskets and delivers them.
Bottom Row:
Blank Slate (deep blue stallion): After Pinkie was sent to the Crystal Empire, this affected the Pie family greatly, specially Maud Pie. She moved in again with her sisters, and there she met one of Starlight's assistants, Party Favor. They started a relationship and had Blank Slate, he is an sculptor, he sculps using his hooves (remember that Maud can break stone with her bare hoofs).
Modest Violet (grey mare) and Dolce Creme (light yellow stallion): After escaping from an emotional abusive marriage with Suri Polomare, Coco Pommel and her son Dolce moved to Ponyville, and Coco started working at Carousel Boutique. After Marble Pie had to buy a dress for an event, they realized they had many things in common. They married and had Modest Violet. Dolce works with Velour as a designer, and Modest works as an assistant for the Siren's kids band.
High Standards (blue mare): High Standards is the prodigy daughter of Fancy Pants and Zephyr Breeze. After Fancy Pants fled from Canterlot, he moved to the Crystal Empire, there he met Zephyr, who had moved in with Fluttershy and was enjoying his life as the brother of the new queen. High Standards is an ice skater, and the third member of the "heart breakers" of the Empire along with her cousin Seraphim and As de Coeur.
#fancypants #mlp #partyfavor #marblepie #bulkbiceps #maudpie #bigmacintosh #mlpnextgeneration #limestonepie #cocopommel #nextgenmlp #nextgenerationmlp #zephyrbreeze