DeviantArt (June 5, 2018 at 11:00:07 PM UTC)
Journey - Giants of the Past
*".....After walking through dark corridors (so dark not even the lamp full of the crystal blue fireflies could help), the light of the Sun was blinding. When they got back their sights they found themselfs infront of a giant. A statue covered in moss and hundreds or even thousends of years old dirt. Sitting under the only light source, a hole open to the skies.
**"Whoa, were they actual giants?"
"Just figuratively, Spike."**
Twilight stepped closer to inspect the statue further. It was enormous, almost the same size as an Ursa Minor. Carved out from one stone, no sign which one was brought there first; the stone or the finished statue itself. No signature of an artist, who made it was never important, but why it was made. Worship, maybe?
Looking around, similar statues guarded the doors of the hall. At least that could be guessed, as the other statues were in a worst shape. Either parts of them was missing or just fully destroyed.
**"Weird how the only one in good shape the one under the hole. You would think the ceiling falling onto it at least broke off chunks of it."
"Ummm, is something wrong, Twilight?"
Statues made from one rock can't be broke apart that easily by time and weather. Or fully destroyed? No. They were probably destroyed by somepony...by someone. Even the hole in the ceiling is questionable, whether it was created by natural causes or sign of a break in.
But why leave one? Somepony stopped them before they could destroy it? Or a warning sign?
The fireflies started to vibrate their lights yet again, but with much bigger intence.
**"I think we are getting closer, whatever the thing is we are following."
"Then we better move on."**
She takes one last look at the statue, then starts walking to the door at the other side of the hall. As they walk throught it, the fireflies vibrate faster and faster.
Then the blue light slowly fades away, as they vanish into another dark corridor..."*
Welp, this turned into something more than what I planned. Both art and writing wise.
Played around with some "semi-realistic" sytle, but with really big air quotation marks, because it's more detailed rather than realistic.
Important note by the way, this was created around a month ago, that's why Spike is wingless.
I don't know if I do more with this, but I kinda want to try and draw more art like this. And maybe try to do a narrative around them. Not really a writer (especially as it's not my native tounge), but it would worth a shot.
So at the momment there isn't really any explanation for 'When?', 'Where?' and 'Why?'.Also, this drawing is heavily inspirited by the 'God of War' soundtrack (and partily by the game too), which I listened too while I drew this. And the narrative too, if I ever go around to do something with it.
Also, also, I just realized the subtitle, 'Giants of the Past' kinda have a double meaning. Seriously didn't planned itXD
You can support my work on PATREON
This drawing was a Patreon Special one for May. Patreon Specials are drawings I share on the 2nd of each month with 10+ supporters over on Patreon and can be viewed only there for the whole month. Than it becomes public and be shared on other sites.**
Characters and MLP:FiM (c) Lauren Faust, Hasbro
Artwork (c) me
No stealing. Thank you.**#fanart #spikethedragon #mlpfim #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #spikethedragon #twilight_sparkle #twilightsparkle #mlp_fim #mylittleponyfriendshipis_magic