I include a lot of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul references in the stories I post to fimfic (https://www.fimfiction.net/user/222892/Moonatik/stories). The Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul shared storyline is my favourite pair of TV shows of all time so naturally it has had a lot of influence on my writing. This shows both in the way I compose stories, and with a lot of references. References ranging from quotes from characters, cameoed names and places, story elements, whole ass sequences, episode titles, and more.
…how many references?
Well, that’s where this contest comes in!
I’ll keep this simple: First person to find all the references gets EITHER $100 in straight cash or gets a $130 commission voucher.
Use the Google Form linked below to submit responses. This is so all the responses are in one place. Your responses won't be accepted or considered unless submitted this way.
When submitting a response, include ALL the references you know about (including ones you aren’t sure about, no loss of points for mistakes) and format them like so:
Story name.
Quoted text.
Explanation of reference.
Here’s an example. Also one of them for free.
It’s Just A Shot Away.
4 - The Spoils of War.
“Apple Bloom recognised the name immediately. Equestrian manufacturer of household and industrial tools, a subsidiary of Madrigal. Madrigal was one of those heavily diversified conglomerates that produced, distributed, and served basically anything that made money.”
Madrigal is a conglomerate in the Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul universe and parent company of Los Pollos Hermanos.
Not all of them are as obvious as this so keep a close eye out for anything that might be arbitrary or overly specific. Every story has at least one!
And also! If nobody has found ALL of them by the 11th of March, whoever made the most first finds wins the bounty.
Happy hunting! And remember, when you’re breaking bad on el camino, better call Saul!