The Royal Family of the Crystal Empire spends a happy moment together.
I don’t think the Crystal Empire would celebrate Hearthswarming, but I feel Cadence and Shining would celebrate it or bring it over with them to the Empire since they both grew up with it in Canterlot. The two would definitely want Scarlet to experience the holiday, so they do the best they can to make it as best they can for him each year.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza and happy holidays!!!
This year’s been a pretty good one for me artistically. I set myself a goal to upload at least one piece of art each month and succeeded! I’ll finally be able to do one of those art year summary things : D
And this will most likely be my last post for the year(besides the art summary) so see y’all next year!
Also some little updates here:
I posted a little Headcanon on Tumblr that I wasn’t sure how to format to Deviantart
I also made Tumblr Blog about the Flim Flam brothers and my mlp selfships —-link
I plan to be pretty active there, and make a lot of ship art, I’ll also make art dumps from that blog and share them here. So y’all will get to see the art too