See the prelude to this https://www.deviantart.com/marima15/art/PUT-ME-DOWN-570362505
RB: "See? I told you, you just needed some time to relax."
AJ: "Ah' don't ever recall you bein' included in mah' leisure time...or in mah' tub."
RB: "I'm just here to make your bath time more...interesting."
AJ: "...This was a mistake."
RB: "Awww! Don't be like that A.J.! Just because our bodies are against each other, wet, and naked doesn't mean something interesting has to happen."
AJ: "..."
RB: "Unless you want it to-"
AJ: "That's it! I'm done!"
RB: "Awww, come on babe!"
Mah heart. Went all doki-doki if y'all know what I mean~~~
So, yeah, my brain was like: "Make a pervy Appleblitz scene."
And I was like: "NO brain, our sanctity must be preserved!"
Brain: "You get to write a romantic dialogue~"
Me: "..."And this is why I am going to hell...
MLP:FIM (c) Hasbro
Art(c) Me