Heh, if you're done ogling then come on and cool down with me. The water is so refreshing, perfect for some beach fun. =============== A mare can't have beach fun without dressing up for the fun. Serenity knows what her stallion enjoys for fun. >:3 Eeeee, it was my good friend's birthday and this is sorta his delayed gift >n< WhiteFeather0 is such a wonderful friend who always motivates me, even though I am unable to make as much art as I'd like. It's been so long since I've done a colored piece, and this one was certainly quite a challenge as I got back into the swing of making art. I got to try a lot of the water effects but not all, I think it turned out pretty alright. Birthday Gift for WhiteFeather0 OC's Serenity and White Feather from them