A little sneak preview of things to come in the Somber Tale universe, although still a ways down the road. Commissioned from the exquisite Evehly.
Celestia: I know what I must do and I already regret it. I have built up Harmony in Equestria for centuries and countless others have aided me. I refuse to let it all crumble now. If there is one thing I have learned in my long life, it is that Harmony sometimes requires troublemakers to be... removed. I take no joy in what I must do, but any that threaten the Harmony of Equestria will be stopped; family, student, or otherwise.
Luna: Too long. Too long have I been overlooked and ignored. Things were supposed to change after I came back but nothing did. These new princesses, these foals, get more recognition than I and I refuse to accept this any longer. But I am not alone this time. I am not the only being to be pushed aside. The earth ponies, the buffalos, the other downtrodden and outcast. I shall rally those like me, those who have not received the respect they deserve, and we shall show my dear sister and her pet princesses that we are not to be underestimated.
Cadance: Why has it come to this? The other princesses are like family to me. I know I have a duty to protect my subjects but I could never fight against them. Celestia, Luna, Twilight, please stop this madness. Please...
Shining Armor: I have a duty. I must protect the ponies of the Crystal Empire and rescue my sister. Twilight would never have agreed to this. King Sombra obviously has her under some kind of spell and I won't rest until she's saved and he has paid for what he's done.
Twilight: Harmony has failed. We've all seen that. How many times has Equestria been put in peril because of Celestia's methods? Splitting rulership amongst a group only provides opportunities for disagreement and confrontation. Luna fights for herself, Celestia fights for the present, and Cadance and my brother fight for the past. Equestria can only move into the future if we stand united and the current conflict shows that it must stand behind a single ruler. I have no desire to rule but I will do what I must to protect my friends and give Equestria a proper future.
Sombra: The more beautiful a crystal, the more easily it fractures. How easily Equestria's precious Harmony was shattered. My reputation ensures that I would never be accepted as Equestria's ruler. But Twilight, the hero that has saved them time and again? The ponies of this land will kneel before her eagerly, of that I have no doubt. I may not agree with some of her more soft-hearted methods but I cannot deny her results. But no matter how much she may wish it, she cannot escape the truth. After all...
"Harmony is a lie, there is only Conflict,
Through Conflict, I become Stronger,
As I become Stronger, my Magic grows,
As my Magic grows, my Enemies fall.
When no Enemy rises to oppose me,
Only then shall I know true Freedom."
(Discord: I'm going to need more popcorn!)