The Laughing Mark or *Fate's Hand of Bananas*
One sunny day, a young Bananas Wit was grooming himself in front of a mirror in his room. He gazed at his blank thigh while styling his first pompadour, wondering what his cutie mark might be someday. Tired of being seen as a silly little colt, he was hoping for a cool one that will command respect from others. After putting on a new bow tie instead of his old bow that made him look like a little lamb, he exited his room to go outside. As he walked down the mean streets of Baltimare, he declared that ponies will take him seriously from this day forward. Unfortunately for him, fate was quite a contrarian that day...
While walking past a fruit stand, it happened--Bananas slipped on a banana peel and took a pratfall into a mud puddle! The bystanders laughed as he got up and tried to act natural. With a sheepish grin, he slinked away to walk off his humiliation. However, he didn't look where he was going and bumped into a fire hydrant, causing him to back away in pain and knock over a bucket of paint perched atop a ladder. Things were literally looking blue for Bananas as the paint-soaked pony attempted to avoid the audience he was attracting. As one thing led to another, the hee-hawing horses looked on as the distraught dandy ran blindly into a group of galvanized garbage cans in a dark alley.
As the clouds darkened the sky, something from the pile of spilled cans lit up the alley with a flash. The spectators of the spectacle stared with bated breath, and as the rain began to fall, Bananas--who was a mess--emerged from the alley strewn with garbage. The onlookers were almost starting to show concern, when suddenly, a foal pointed out that Bananas now had a funny cutie mark! And much to his chagrin, there it was--the rain revealed a smiley face comprising a peeled banana for a mouth and two banana slices for eyes! Though the mark was not in itself funny, the context that caused it to appear was what made the crowd roar with laughter--you had to be there!