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Over in Macawia, we offer a far more terrifying teaser, containing the devil in Rhea Harpy form.
Do not feed the animals locals, they will bite
New General from Macawia
Name: UncIe Kevyn
Born: ?
Rank: General
(The Urban BrutaLiser)
Biography: None Know where this rancher-fumed-generaL came from, or his reaL name, but he seems to respond to Kevyn and to some respectabIe figures in the Macawian miIitary. His orders for his troops are unpredictabIe, unhinged and unspeakabIe at times. In an age of armchair generaIs and Iong range deaIh machines, this Harpy can be found mere mIIes from the front barking orders in a thick New MareIand accent.
His brutaLity is thus far unmatched, despite officiaI dossiers cLaImIng this creature has a famiLy in OrnIthIa. His ranch takes in injured animaIs and creatures in their IocaI area to ensure they can retum to the wIId, granting a nIce edge to this sharpened bIade of a harpy.
Author He gave me permission to add this Portrait to Derpibooru.
Author: Bunnyshrubby
Discord Username: amiyourhiro
Deviantart: bunnyshrubby | Derpibooru: bunnyshrubby
The Author has a Group on VK, but I won’t tell you, guess yourself :)
The author said that, It’s better not to give a link to the group, it’s almost inactive anyway.
(Thanks A Lot For Looking At The Description.)