This piece was commissioned by @GJTProductions. It is the third piece in the set of CMC transformations. This one features Apple Bloom transforming into a deerlike creature resembling the Great Seedling from season 9, combined with a Kirin. The client provided the following description:
1+2: "When Apple Bloom learned about the true power of the wishing flower's abilities, she immediately knew what she wanted to become. That didn't stop the process from taking her by surprise, of course."
3: "As the process unfolded, her innate earth pony magic was amplified to a large degree, along with some other magic types being added..."4. "Of course, Apple Bloom was thrilled with the idea of making 'The Great Seedling' a reality of some sort, flying and prancing about to bring prosperity all across Equestria. But she also felt a little flame flickering within her - the passion of the Kirin that could burst forth under the right conditions. As bringer of both natural provision and natural fiery wrath, this was a form that could take on an alicorn for sure..."
Sweetie Belle: >>3315372
Scootaloo: >>3386516