Had Rainbow Dash known the amount of pain she was to be in, and how long it would take, she may have been more hesitant to become a mother. Nevertheless, this was the day, and 3:00 in the morning was the time.
Rainbow had been fast asleep in her and Soarin's bed, that was until she felt a sudden warmness, and freaked, thinking somehow she'd accidentally wet the bed. And she had but for a very different reason. Rainbow, knowing what was happening screamed at Soarin that they needed to get to the hospital NOW! When Soarin didn't budge, and rolled over trying to ignore Rainbows screams, Rainbow kicked him out of the bed (a little to harshly) and screamed at him again, already running out of the house.
It was not an easy trip there, but somehow Rainbow and Soarin were able to get to the hospital in time. Soarin dashed to the nearest phone as soon as Rainbow was taken to the nearest room, and phoned His and Rainbow's family and friends. And for the next several hours paced in the waiting room, anxious and worried.
Several hours later, Rainbow was finally able to get the last foal out, with the help of the Doctor and nurses. Sighing heavily Rainbow collapsed her head back on the bed's pillow, ready more than ever to sleep. Sleepily Rainbow rolled onto her side, her wings sore and tired of being pushed against the stiff hospital mattress. She smiled as she saw Soarin half fly, half gallop into the room.
He gave her a quick peck on her forehead before looking around the room, very excited. He frowned after a moment,slightly confused, "Where are they?" he questioned. Rainbow grunted in response, on the edge of sleep. A nurse who was cleaning up lifted a hoof to a door in the room leading to a smaller room with a window looking in. "They're cleaning up the little ones now, and wrapping them in blankets." she explained, "They'll be done soon." She smiled, wheeling a cart out of the room.
Sure enough a moment later two more nurses came out of the small room, each holding small bundles wrapped in bright blue and pink blankets. Soarin grinned, gently tapping Rainbow's shoulder. Rainbow jumped, her eyes shooting open, "W-what?! I'm up, I'm up!" She relaxed once she saw the mares approach with the foals. One nurse handed two fillies wrapped in bright pink blankets to Rainbow, and she carefully scooped her hooves around them, making a bowl shape for the fillies. The other nurse carefully gave the colt to Soarin. He gently cupped his hooves to hold the filly, and turned to Rainbow, who was gazing at her daughters.
"Got any ideas for names Dashy?"
Rainbow frowned for a moment, looking at her three children, her face slightly puzzled. She finally sighed and shrugged.
"I don't know, I can't think of anything."
"Hmm...." Soarin responded, before he perked up, "Oh I know, what about Rainbow Shock for this little guy!" Soarin said lifting up his son.
Rainbow smiled as he continued, "And what about Berry Storm for this little gal-her main is as bright as a strawberry!" Soarin gestured with his wing to the filly with a bright red, orange and yellow mane.
"And River Paint for this one, her main reminds me of cool waters." Rainbow chuckled "Those are all great names Soarin."
Soarin smiled, and gently set Rainbow Shock into his mother hooves, right in between his sisters.
Rainbow sighed, and relaxed her head back down, feeling the three tiny bodies snuggled up against her, and drifted off to a deep sleep.