Lore may or may not change:
Due to the dark magic flowing through his body, Blade's body slowly adopts to its new magic entering his system. Void, who is literally inside of Blade, instructs him to use his dark magic very carefully, since sometimes there are certain spells that can go a bit haywire.
Blade, and Void's powers are seemly strong, even to the point the former unicorn himself hold his powers back. He even have to be careful about his wings that are sitched to his body (even tho there are times where the wings were almost taken off...).
In his normal form, his powers includes:
Teleporting through shadows: How this works is that it only works in dark places, and he can teleport to a shadowy area to another said dark area. This type of power can be a bit creepy when it seems like he can be seen going though the ground, ceiling, or even the walls.
Shield: Blade can conjure up a perfect green barrier to either to himself or others.
Flight and speed: with wings attached to his body, he can fly real quick. It's unknown how fast he can go, tho there is some point where he managed to equal the speed to a Salvaged Enclave Vertibuck.
Strength: Lets just say he yeeted a raider to a mountain, and by yeet he threw the said pony really far
Also to point out, his horn glows green when using any normal or Void's magic. His magic horn glow is a bit unknown, maybe yellow or green?
For his powered up form (which is shown here), his normal powers were stronger, with some other spells which can occur when not in his powered up form:
Hallucinations: Blade can summon a dark cloud to surround a pony, causing that pony to hallucinate things. This spell can be very useful when messing with his enemies, or in other cases can able to dig into somepony or creature's mind and see into anycreature's memories.
He can summon this spell in any environment. Either in the open and used to block the enemies from seeing him, or inside of a building. If any raiders in the building starts to see lights flickering out of nowhere, and the darkness slowly creeping in, they either run or fight, Blade's coming for their doom.
Or even more creepy, the dark cloud cannot be seen, and its all in the raider's mind to the point they can be easily get killed off. From the raider pov, its the dark cloud, to others, the said raider is pinned to a wall screaming, and droping dead.
Limbs extend: In some cases, his wings, or horn, can turn into literal blades or spears to kill of enemies.
Another thing to note, his horn glows white when using his powered up form
Oh, and for the scorpion tail, lets just say at some point Blade was still "mutating" after the whole experiments with Alicorn Co, and the said tail popped out, destroying the original tail. It's unknown if he will get his actual tail back.
He have additional powers, such as:
Sensing some souls nearby, to the point of even having a good scent of smell when locating any creatures. There is some moments where his scent caught in some awkward situations with some residents of Stable 49, or the outside village, to the point he told them to "clean themselves"
As a faithful leader of Stable 49, and the outside residents of his region, he shall protect them and others who may be in danger of evil forces. Luckily Blade is not alone when protecting his region, some of his friends help him out.