Everypony: Coookies....! Cooookies...! Cooooo-
Suddenly, everypony froze upon who was in the barn. It wasn't Rainbow Dash, but it was....a Royal Guard and Policepony Copper Top
Everypony: Suddenly nervous ...Um.... Hello.
Twilight: Smiles nervously G-Good evening, sir, ma'am.
Applejack: Nervous Is...Is there a problem, officer?
Copper Top: A rainbow maned pony has gone-a-missing.
Royal Guard: Holds a wanted poster Ya seen these ponies, donkeys and dragon?
When everypony looked at the poster, they all go pale as it is a picture with the rainbow filling on their mouths
Everypony: Uh... No?
Copper Top: Oh, really? Not even... Pulls out a mirror ...THIS?
Upon seeing their reflection, everypony got frightened
Cranky: W-Wait!
Cup Cake: This isn't what it looks like!
Everypony tried to wipe off the rainbow filling off their mouths, only to find....they can't!
Bon-Bon: Hey!
Lyra: Wha-?! What gives?!
Silver Spoon: I can't get this stuff off!
Rarity: Where did Rainbow get this filling?!
After failing to get the filling, they turned back to the guard and policepony
Twilight: W-W-Wait a minute!
Octavia: There-there has to be a mistake!
Spike: Officer, we can explain!
Royal Guard: Just as we suspicioned!
Copper Top: You're under arrest, laddies and lasses!
Everypony gulped!
Fluttershy: Frightened This wasn't part of the plan!
Pinkie: Scared Run away?
Twilight: Also scared Oh, yes! Run away!
Everypony then ran for their lives
Copper Top: Hey! Blows her police whistle
Royal Guard: Come back, ya maniacs!
Oh, boy! Looks everypony's trick of teaching Rainbow a lesson has lead to them being mistaken for criminals! Hope each of you have got lawers, guys! 0_0