Here are the CMC with their parents, uncles and aunts! Apple Bloom is with her parents (Pear Butter and Bright Mac), Sweetie Belle is with her parents (Cookie Crumbles and Hondo Flanks), Scootaloo is with her parents (Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles) and her uncle and aunt (Rainbow Blaze and Sunshower Raindrops), Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are with their two mothers (Mayor Mare and Silverspeed), Skyla is with her parents (Shining Armour and Cadance) and her two aunts (Twilight and Chrysalis), Dinky is with her mom (Derpy Hooves), Nyx and Twila are with their two mothers (Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis) and Pickle and Barley Barrel are with their parents (Rainbow Blaze and Sunshower Raindrops).
Scootaloo is adopted by Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles after her original family pass away.
Pear Butter and Bright Mac are alive.
Past Sins and Winter Bells are canon (Link to stories: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/41596/past-sins and https://www.fimfiction.net/story/71883/winter-bells)
Rainbow Blaze is Bow's brother and Windy's brother-in-law.
Barley and Pickle Barrel are the children of Sunshower Raindrops and Rainbow Blaze.
Chrysalis is reformed and married to Twilight.
Skyla is the adopted daughter of Shining Armour & Cadance and Twila is the adopted daughter of Twilight & Chrysalis.
Silverspeed was first married to a stallion from Manehattan and they were together for four years. Unfortunately, when Silverspeed was pregnant, tragedy struck. Her husband was attacked by a couple of thugs and was killed. Silverspeed was devastated and fell into depression. Four months later, the pegasus was at the Grand Galloping Gala. There, she met Mayor Mare. The two ponies started off well, talking about politics and sharing stories. When the music began laying, Mayor Mare invited Silverspeed to dance. Silverspeed wasn’t so sure at first (Mainly because she was still pregnant), but she agreed to. So, holding hooves and taking care because of Silverspeed’s pregnancy, the two mares hit the dance floor. As they danced, they started developing feelings for each other. A month later, Silverspeed gave birth to her daughter Silver Spoon. She did her best to look after her child on her own. Mayor Mare would sometimes come over take care of Silver Spoon if Silverspeed was ill or busy somewhere else, acting like a second mother to her. Silverspeed was very impressed. After the two spend some time with Mayor Mare, Silverspeed worked up the courage to proposal to her. The two got married and Mayor Mare became Silver Spoon’s stepmother. The two mares were happy together and so was their little girl Silver Spoon. The little filly loves her two mothers, despite them being busy sometimes.
Diamond Tiara gets adopted by Mayor Mare and Silverspeed after her original parents lose custody of her during a fight.
The events of Season 8-9 (With the exception of The Washouts, Sound of Silence and Best Gift Ever) and Rainbow Roadtrip are not canon.