TW: Death of a character, emotional, mental struggles.
Backstory has been updated with help of my friend!
Name: Selene but loves to be called Minty.
Gender: Mare [she/her]
Sexuality: Heterosexual | Demiromantic
Species: Bat Pony
Universe: Selene passed in her adult years. She would be in the age of Granny Smith.
Status: Deceased
Parents - bat ponies that still live in the bat caves and continued to be part of a cult even after Selene's leaving. She would like to forget about them.
Green Pom - beloved sweetheart [very good relationship].
Lunar Night - firstborn son [difficult relationship].
Berry Heart - daughter [very good relationship].
Apple Cider - sister-in-law [good relationship].
Ryolit - granddaughter [never met].
Personality traits:
Special Talent: Brewing mint tea (started to make a mint honey with husband's help later on).
Flying - as a bat pony Selene is able to fly. She prefers to skip however and will use her wings only if necessary.
Herb picking - Selene specializes in colleting herbs. She knows almost every single plant you could pick up in the forest.
Brewing - this mare can definitely brew you a nice drink (commonly called tea) from the herbs she finds. Her specialty is mint.
Backstory: Selene was born in bat caves and unfortunately - into a cult. Her parents were very religious and wanted to raise her daughter with the same faith. However, they didn't understand that faith was supposed to be something you find, rather than being forced into it.
Her childhood was filled with a lot of negativity from the community and her family. Growing up she was very closed and didn't talk much. She'd be worried anything about her would be perceived as wrong. Once she got her cutie mark she thought everything would change, since it's something she's good at, right? Well you would be wrong, she was shamed even for that.
In her adolescent days Minty's parents decided that she would have to marry a bat pony that had been chosen for her by them which happened to be her childhood bully. That's when she knew she had to run, and she took the chance. Selene run against the blinding sunlight to get a time advantage, since bat ponies would just go to sleep. She ran with barely any brakes for days. She ran without any contact to any pony. Until, she passed out in a forest, next to the bushes she was just eating from.
Minty was found by a kind farm pony called Green Pom. At first she felt very intimidated. Selene’s first instinct was to keep running. She tried, but exhaustion got the better of her. She even injured herself. Green Pom was very helpful and tried his best to make Selene feel a little bit more safe. He took care of her wound and offered to take her to his home. Selene feeling hopeless, but a little bit more trustful, decided to accept his proposition.
And that's how an endearing story started between the two. They discovered how much they enjoyed each other’s company. Before they knew it, they had build a beautiful relationship together. Selene also got to know Apple Cider - the younger sister of Green Pom, who accepted Minty immediately and wanted to get to know her better. It wasn't without obstacles - a few years later when Green Pom and Minty wanted to get married, Apple Family found out where the ceremony was taking place and disturbed it. They announced that their son Green Pom wouldn’t be a part of the family anymore. Stallion didn't care about it that much and the two of them became husband and wife.
Some time later Green Pom and Minty started a family and had two children. Due to their son's mental struggles Selene started to develop problems as well. Mare would blame herself for everything. She was the mother that wasn't able to provide enough comfort to his bat-presenting son. She thought she caused all the issues which of course wasn't true.
When Lunar Night decided to leave the family, as Selene once run away from the bat caves, Minty couldn't accept it and suffered. Soon after that she passed of a broken heart.