The ice cream factory manager was very happy. Thomas and the Crusaders had delivered the milk in record time.
Now the factory could make the ice cream for the party!
But when the manager looked into one of the churns, he was VERY surprised!
"This milk is almost butter!" He exclaimed.
Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were shocked!
"BUTTER?!" They gasped!
The factory manager asked Thomas and the girls if the churns had rattled around. The four friends looked worried.
"But, I don't understand." Stammered Sweetie Belle. "Why it nearly butter?"
"If you shake milk for long enough, it turns to butter!" Said the manager.
Thomas, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were VERY upset.
"Whoops..." Gulped Apple Bloom.
"S-S-S-Sorry, sir..." Sweetie Belle whimpered.
"I guess we forgot about it when we were racing Emily and Zipp..." Said Scootaloo nervously.
The factory manager was cross.
"You must go back to the dairy and get more milk! And remember to go slowly this time!" He said sternly.
"Yes, sir..." The three fillies said in unison.
After uncoupling the trucks, Thomas and the Crusaders steamed back to the dairy as fast as they could.
The events of Season 8-9 of MLP (With the exception of The Washouts, Sound of Silence and Best Gift Ever) are not canon.
G5 is also not canon, however Zipp Storm does exist in my headcanon.