Soon, Thomas and the Crusaders arrive at the Kirk Ronan Junction. As they stopped at a signal, he met Emily and Zipp Storm who were on their way to collect the children.
"Hello, slowcoaches!" Emily said cheekily.
"Being slow as snails today, are you?" Joked Zipp.
Thomas, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo frowned. They didn't like being teased.
"We're not being slowcoaches". Puffed Thomas. "We're being reliable."
"And careful." Added Sweetie Belle.
"We have to go slowly, considering what we're carrying." Apple Bloom said.
But, Emily and Zipp just scoffed.
"If you weren't a load of slowcoaches," Emily sniffed. "The Fat Controller and Mayor Mare would have given you our job. We're fast and we're reliable. That's why we're taking the children.
"You lot on the other hoof are slow and unreliable." Zipp said smugly.
This made Thomas and the fillies cross! They were now fired with determination!
"Slow?! Unreliable?!" Growled Sweetie Belle!
"Right! Now you've done it!" Apple Bloom snarled!
"We can be as fast as you!" Hissed Thomas!
"If Thomas and Spike had managed to beat Bertie the Bus in a race and we, along with Percy and Pinkie, managed to beat Harold the Helicopter, then we can beat YOU!" Grunted Scootaloo!
"Oh, yeah?" Zipp smirked. "Then, let's who's the quickest!"
"We'll race you to the next signal!" Huffed Emily.
And they steamed quickly away.
As soon as the Crusaders jumped into his cab, Thomas wheeshed after as fast as his pistons would pump!
As he and his friends raced along, the milk churns rattled and rocked! They biffed and bashed!
And at the next signal, Thomas and the girls raced ahead of Emily and Zipp!
Thomas, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were VERY pleased!
"Ha! Take that, you two!" Sweetie Belle said grandly!
"Who's the slowoaches now?!" Smirked Scootaloo!
The four friends steamed off for the ice cream factory. But they had completely forgotten about going slowly...
The events of Season 8-9 of MLP (With the exception of The Washouts, Sound of Silence and Best Gift Ever) are not canon.
G5 is also not canon, however Zipp Storm does exist in my headcanon.