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With My Little Pony Friendship is Magic turning 14 this year, I thought of sharing my MLP Collection so far.
Most of you guys know that I made custom figures using the G5 figure line and so far I only accomplished making my OC, the Mane 6 from FIM, Comet, Ruby Jubilee, Sugar Moonlight, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Jemima Sparkle and Recently Opaline. Misty was just a updated figure with more proper details like her Official series counterpart.
Trixie is still in the works and will get her done hopefully before the end of the weekend, And with Tell your Tale getting close to it's last episode next week it's a shame to say good bye already as me and others are getting used to this series despite the difficulty it had suffered.
either way, hope you like my collection so far and Note Tempest is not my custom figure as she is from the Guardians of Harmony line.
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