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Happy Pinkie Pie Day (Sorry, this is a little late) and Happy 40th Anniversary to Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends! ^
The events of Season 8-9 (With the exception of The Washouts, Sound of Silence and Best Gift Ever) of MLP and the events of Season 22-24 (With the expection of School of Duck, Rosie is Red and the episodes written by Michael White) of Thomas are not canon.
Scootaloo is adopted by Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles after her original family pass away.
Pear Butter and Bright Mac are alive.
Applejack and Pinkie are NOT cousins and Big Mac is married to Marble.
Skyla is the adopted daughter of Cadance and Shining Armour.
G5 is also not canon, however Zipp Storm does exist in my headcanon.
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