I think Zecora is neat. I also think Purah is neat. Zecora had a costume with white hair that she looked really good in. Purah has white hair and looks really good. Something-something... and then this image! Yeah.
(I also didn't plan this as a Nightmare Night+ post but it just works as one, so)
(Also, was Zecora wearing a white wig in Luna Eclipsed, or did she restyle her mane? Could be either, I've never been sure)
This vector also iterates on this ponified Purah design I made last Christmas;
Also I really cooked with this one and made a lot of alternate versions. So I've condensed them a bit to save space.
Alternate versions:
With eyeshadow (I didn't have it on by default bc I think she looks fine without it)
Jacketless & Glassesless
Original hairstyle, no eyeshadow