Heeeeey everyone! Back again with a yummy YCH available involving your own custom tickle statue, and of course I just had to see some ShinyTrap action for it, with both of them dressed as sissified ballerina bois! ^
Looks like somepony wasn't satisfied with Feather and Shiny's last ballet performance, and decided they need a lot of time to reflect on their "failure"...
...a long, loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time >:D
Held in place by a crystalized gelatin structure and posed in a limber and muscle intensive position, the struggles of being tickled will be just the right workout they need to help perfect their routine~ ^
They'll have plenty of time there to figure it out too...maybe a few months? Longer..? >:3
Who knows, perhaps their captor is very fond of his new display piece! No reason why he should have to give it up, why not just leave them there for everypony to gawk at? It can even be an interactive display, get a little audience participation going. ;3
Maybe that's a little too mean, perhaps their situation isn't quite so dire. Possibly the gelatin was designed to melt, and they'll be stuck there until it does, maybe in a day or so. <:3
I'm just wondering who punished them? Cadance? Sombra? Somepony else?
Either way, they'll be on display for a while~ ^
Art is by Undead_sparrow, who was remarkably patient with all the reworks and little changes I asked him to make throughout this whole process. :3