Back at it again with a monthly post : D
I wanted to show a little more of Scarlet’s life before I actually get into his arc, because it starts when he’s starting school and I thought going from being born directly to school was strange to me.
Because of this, you all get some cute family fluff : )
Went a little over board with this, but it’s cute so whatever.
Cadence and Shining love being parents, and they absolutely adore their little bundle of joy, Scarlet Heart. Of course being parents, especially new parents isn’t always fun or easy, but that doesn’t stop them from taking a million of pictures with their baby boy.
Above shows a bunch of the moments the family has shared with each other. And even though not much are happening I will give some short explanations for them:
The first one is an example of baby Scarlet Heart. I wanted to show how he would look with his colored lines and to show off his mane. His mane is eternally messy and won’t look the same from moment to moment.
A sweet bonding moment between Shining Armor and Scarlet.
Cadence learned quickly that babies like to grab and pull on hair. After a few times of Scarlet pulling on her scalp, she decides to change up her mane style to keep it out of the way. Shining does the same.
One night when Scarlet had the hardest time falling asleep. Shining stayed up with him while looking over some important papers relating to the empire. Scarlet finally falls asleep on his father’s lap.
A temper tantrum of the prince
Cadence made the cutest onesie, and it suits her son perfectly for the winter months.
Shining finds out the hard way how messy young foals can be.
Cadence has a lot of experience with entertaining foals, here she puts her stories and games to good use.
Little doodle of Scarlet to fill some empty space
Scarlet being cute looking at some bugs
Cadence looking at her family with love as they cuddle together for the night. Scarlet has a better time staying asleep when near his parents, so they do this quite a bit.
Another empty space filler
How the prince looks right before the next part. He’s around five here, excited to start school and meet new ponies : D
I loved putting all these cute scenes together! I hope you all enjoyed them too.