This is a scene from "My Little Sister is a Dragon: The Nightmare Moon Arc" where Bray and the other members of the Brotherhood of Grogar are witnessing the scene from the show where Pinkie sings her "Giggle at the Ghosties" song and shows the girls how to fight back against the haunted trees. Bray witnessed Fluttershy tame the manticore earlier and after intervening to save his friends from the Cult of Eternal Night, he tells them that the Elements will soon find their wielders and these girls are undoubtedly the ones. Despite Bellow's protests (the bull), Bray suggests they let the girls take the Elements because they need to defeat Nightmare Moon so that a portion of Luna's magic will be released and can then be gathered up and used to power the "ram golem". Not only that, but allowing the girls to have the Elements will ensure magic is transferred all over the place throughout their battles, and this will somehow guarantee the "return of Grogar". What that means has yet to be seen and you will know later on in my stories.
For any newcomers who are wondering, yes, Bray is Grogar's donkey minion from G1. I make him a little different this time around where he's more evil and powerful, but Grogar has been dead for a thousand years. He is without a master at the moment and leads the Brotherhood. They seek to revive Grogar and pave the way for his takeover of Equestria.
Click here if you're interested in reading this story. It's about my 2 OCs, Nightwatch and Buttercream who go on a mission to witness the return and defeat of Nightmare Moon, but they run into the Brotherhood and a fanatical cult of batponies along the way and things get pretty crazy. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/518079/my-little-sister-is-a-dragon-nightmare-moon-arc