Welcome to Part 7 of my Family Ark Story.
Part 1 you find HERE.
Part 2 you find HERE.
Part 3 you find HERE.
Part 4 you find HERE.
Part 5 you find HERE.
Part 6 you find HERE.Tis is actual the last Part of this Story Ark.
I have planed more but I run out of Money to pay for new Art and I not get anough Donations for them as well.
Hope I can continue this some Day, but until then I try to expand the Au with Ideas and maybe here and there an Artwork.It will contain Spoilers, so if you havn't read the Nightmare Night Horror Story, go HERE first and the continue with Part 1.
Short Info, the Story will have some Timejumps.
I would like to post it in real Time, but I not want to let you wait for 5 Years, neither 22.^
At the End of the Story, who are open, because I create it when I prepare the Upload, I will give you an Timeline with all Steps on the actual Storyline.
There are some "Bugs" in the Timeline, I still try to sort out what has happen when.
Nightmare Horror (31. Oct, Nightmare Night) and the Proposal (14.Feb, Hearts and Hoof Day) are real Time, not because I wanted it, just because the Art has need so much Time.
Greetings fellow Ponys.
It is the 29. of August in the 5. Year after the Nightmare Night, that changed everything.
3 Years ago, I was standing in Front of everypony, while Cadance bound Mac and me into the Couple we are now.
It was a nice and hot Day so far, so I decided we could have Dinner outside today.
Big Mac has no Problem with the Heat, he is a Earth and Farm Pony, so he is used to work in the Sun.
Sometimes I like it to watch him, when he do his Chores on the Farm and it get even better, when Mac put of his Shirt and work with free upper Body.
I'm sure he know when I'm watching him, what not realy difficult when you have yellow Alicorn Wings stretched out behind your Back in a perfect visible Wingboner.
Often I invite Mac to the shaded Back Side of the Barn for something cool to drink and very often for a quick but strong "Cure" of my Wingboner.
We always need to be carefull, so our Daughter not hear us there, while Mac press me against the Wall, while I cry and beg for more.
But most time this is not a Problem, Butter Bloom love to play with Angel and the other Animals, who are living with me here on the Farm, since I moved here and keep her busy.
She has already a tight bound to them, like myself, she just can't understand the Language of the animals, like I do.
Somehow she has more a Connection to Plants and her own Garden of Flowers is beautyfull.
A Picnic is nothing unusual, I had then in my Past very often, usual with my Friends of the Harmony 7.
My Lemonade is well known in Ponyville, because of the Way I made it.
Fresh Water from a natural Spring, juicy Lemons from some Trees I have plant near our House, a little Bit of Magic to freeze some of the Lemonade into Ice Cubes, who chill the Drink, but not water it, something sweet, like Suggar or as Butter Bloom like it, with Honey and or course much Love while making it.
My Lemonade are always Part of Partys and Celebrations over the Summer, together with the Famous Apple Cider.
The Temperature has drop a bit, so it was actual perfect for our Picnic.
I pour Mac some ice cold Lemonade while he is busy with our Daughter.
Even he has lost his Parents at young Age, he is a absoute perfect Dad for Butter Bloom, who is enjoying her favorite Food, an Slice of the famous Apple Pie, made by Applejack after Granny Smiths secret Reciepe.
Maybe he like his Daughter so much, because Butter Bloom look so much like Macs Mother Pear Butter.
She wear her Neckerchief, a Gift from me because she liked it so much and now she wear it all the time.
Maybe you remember me with this Neckerchief on the Ponyville Heart Warming Market, it is the same Neckerchief.
Rarity has already made an own Diadem with golden Leafes and a violett Butterfly in the Middle for Butter Bloom.
She said a Princess need this and because Butter Bloom is my Daughter, she is a Princess too, as it was with Cadance and Flurry Heart.
Butter Blooms Personality is already clear as well, it is mostly like Applejack, just with a huge Amount of my Kindness in it as well.
For the Adults I have made some Tea and Sandwiches with Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato and Cheese from our own Production.
Just if youre Wondering, the Picture was made by Applejack, thats why she is not in the Picture.
Celestia is already lowering the Sun and soon Luna will raise the Moon, but it is to nice and warm to go inside.
A small Spell and many colorfull Butterflys, made of Magic will fly over us and give us some Light until we decide to go to Bed.
Hope you like this Picture of our Family.
The Artist has give me a much to big Chest Size, but I try to explain it with Butter Bloom and that I'm still nursing her.
They will maybe go back to normal after it, even Mac like them, for some extra kinky Fun in the Bedchamber. ;-)
Hope to be able to get some more Artworks of JRaisins in the future.
I like the Art of this Artist, special the Eyes.
Have a nice Day and I see you at the next Upload ;-)
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