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Making this was a painful job to collect episodes of the Friendship is Magic, this time it's based on Netflix appearances for outside USA server (Mexico, Latino Americano, Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia) before removal at January 31st, 2022 @ 23.59.59 PST. This is episode collected from Season 1 to Season 6 (2017), outside USA servers are using September 3rd, 2018 update of the show on Netflix during episode removals at August 2018 removals for USA server.
Some users at UK and Europe may not getting Season 6 of MLP:FiM on Netflix and may retain up to Season 5 (2015) until the removal (presumably).
USA servers coming up soon for Season 7 - 8 (2018) (Netflix) for additional content from the first 6 seasons.
Sadly all seasons except Season 1 for Outside USA server is removed after February 1, 2022.
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