Long Description is long. I will update it when I don't have a migraine Sweating a little...
Anywho, this my opinion so don't freak out on me. (And yes, i know the crusaders don't have their right cm's, but this was before crusaders of the lost mark.)
(Edit: Adding description because i is bored).Left to right:
Soarin/Applejack family
Applejack crashed (literally)into soarin after a freak accident on the apple farm. Soarin hurt his wings so the apple family decided to take him in for a few weeks. Soon Applejack kept visiting him regualry and then discoverd feelings for the stallion. They started dating for a year then one day at a wonderbolts show, soarin asked aj to marry him. Two years after they where married, they tried for a foal and had a miscarrige. Twilight helped them and gave them a spell that will help Applejack have kids. Sadly, the spell was still in development so it could only be used once. They had a daughter and named her HArvest. When Harvey was nine they adopted a little girl and named her Raini. They live on the apple farm.SnailsBloom Family
Applebloom has always had a crush on pipsqueak, but after they broke up AB was very sad. She then turned to snails, who helped her deal with her problems. They finally started to date. They got married a few months after Applejack adopted Raini. Two years later they had Vinni, (Vanilla) who is now five and already wanting her cutie mark!
TwiBlood Family
Celestia arranged for Twilight and Prince Blueblood to get married. They finally fell in love after five years of marriage, and had a filly named Blue Harmony. When Blue Harmony was six, they had another filly named Scarlet who is now 12.Fluttermac family
Fluttershy had been friends with Big Mac and the Apple family for years, but she finally confessed her feelings for Mac a year after Twilight got married. They got married and a year later had a filly named Peachy Keen. Five years later they had Rosie, who is more like her auntie rainbow dash. Two years later they had a son named Johnny Appleseed, who is like his father. Three years later they had another son named Fredrick, also called Red.SweetieMash family
EDIT: Gahhh!!! Forgot to credit the amazing SlenaEde for her wonderful bases! All of the bases used in the picture is her work :)