Multilayer Perceptron applied to the Feynman's Integral Method
Original Description from Source :
"I love MLP:FiM!"
"Really, ponies? I expected more from you!"
"What? No! I love Multilayer Perceptrons applied to the Feynman's Integral Method. Why did you think I was talking about ponies?"
"Oh, I'm... I'm sorry, nevermind. Ponies are so widespread in the internet now that I fear everyone is turning into bronies!"
"Yeah, quite freaky. Oh, and you mispelled 'everypony'."
Curiously, the abbreviation of "Multilayer Perceptron", the most used Artificial Neural Network, is the same of My Little Pony. The Bio-inspired Computer Methods classes became quite funnier after I realised that.
The "FiM" was without scientific translation, however, and after a quick search I discovered that Feynman's Integral (used in Quantum Mechanics to 'determine' movement based on probability clouds) could be calculated using Neural Networks. More than that, I discovered that there are even Quantum Neural Networks, that use the probability clounds instead of the standard weights.
If you didn't understand anything, don't worry, this was very xkcd'esque (xkcpony?).
For those who don't know, xkcd is a 'webcomic of romance,
sarcasm, math, and language', drawn with stickymen and a very... unusual kind of humor. The pony in the image is a 'ponyfication' of the Hat Guy, one of xkcd's characters. His cutiemark is a Nullpointer, in this case .p
The "TL:DR" version is something like:
MLP is the abbreviation of a well known computer science method; MLP:FiM is the abbreviation of an AWESOME computer science/modern physics method.
xkcd belongs to Randall Munroe;
MLP belongs to Hasbro;
MLP:FiM also belongs to Lauren Faust;