Here are flutter butter little brother and sister meet apple cider and apple song their twins like princess sundrop and prince discord jr,
so the the two of them are the son and daughter of fluttershy and big macintosh they live at the cottage with their parents and their big
sister flutter butter apple cider and apple song are known as the apple twins the two always fought together and always argue together
but some time they forgive each other a lot. They may be twins but they have different personality apple cider help around at sweet apple
acres with his cousins and his dad and he works so hard too, apple song love to sing and love to water the flowers whenever she with her
mom to help water the flowers and take care the animals plus apple song sing so beautifully like an angel and love perform in front of
everypony and her friends and even see her parents sing when they were in the pony tones and she wanted be a singer someday when
she older. So i hope you like them.
Base by:MagicalBases