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Jul 9, 2024
Making a part two to the background characters. Might get around to the bigger stuff. Luster Dawn exists, most like is Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst's kid. But we're here for the new ones.
Applebloom X Tender Taps: Florentine and Genoise
Scootaloo X Rumble: Ricochet
Sweetie Belle X Shady Daze: Melody Key and Arpeggio
Babs Seed X Button Mash: Joy Stick
Dinky Doo X Pipsqueak: Misfit Muffin, Winky Doo, and Time Warp
Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser: Merryweather and Kaboom
Vinyl Scratch X Neon Lights ft Octavia: Techno Remix
Trixie X Blue Blood: Hocus Pocus
Flash Sentry X Sunset Shimmer: Morning Glory
Cheerilee X Trouble Shoes: Lucky Shoes
Night Glider X Double Diamond: Castaway
Party Favor X Sugar Belle: Confetti Popper and Pinata
Lightning Dust X Big Shot: Fire Storm
Moon Dancer X Star Hunter: Cosmic Chaser
Zecora: Anonsi
MLP (C) Hasbro
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