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Jul 5, 2024
After watching a ranking of Cupcakes fan-animations it got me inspired to revisit some of my old MLP designs and put them in the show's style. For the most part a few but need to be updated in color, a few needed some new names, and then we have brand new ones. Plus a redesign for Lil' Cheese--- which feels like a nickname for Cheese Cake. Yes I'm ignoring SugarMac and their kid--- cuz FlutterMac is cuter! So here we go.
Twilight Sparkle X Comet Tail: Meteor Shower and Myra.
Applejack X Caramel: Johnny Appleseed, Eve Blossom, and Adam Apple.
Rarity X Fancy Pants: Artisan
Pinkie Pie X Pokey Pierce X Cheese Sandwich: Cheese Cake (Lil' Cheese), Sweet Tooth, Topsy Turvy, and Sugar Rush.
Rainbow X Soarin: Stratus, Nimbus, and Cirrus.
Fluttershy X Big Mac: Flora Blossom and Milo Bale
MLP (C) Hasbro
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