Today's prompt: Draw a pony rising to the occasion / Draw a pony taking the bull by the horns.
Throughout the previous year's ATG and this one, I've been working to slowly develop Blaze and Pecan's relationship from first getting to know each other and growing closer together. Blaze is usually awkward when speaking, but he's gradually been growing more confident with talking to Pecan, even having the bravery to ask her out on a date to get milkshakes in yesterday's entry. But here, in what could be considered a direct sequel to yesterday, Blaze musters up the courage to tell Pecan how he feels about her, and, with every bit of resolve he can muster, he asks the question that's been burning in his mind, much to Pecan's surprise.
I don't know what the last two prompts of this year's ATG will be, so I decided to leave this one on a bit of a cliffhanger, hopefully until one of the last prompts will allow me to continue it. =P