You heard me, we got adventures to go on Emerald, just you and me!
And sometimes Ruby and sometimes some guides but NEVER Sunshine you wanna know why Emerald? Because she's DEAD.
Ok take it easy Joy, th-th-that's dark.
Oh it gets darker Emerald, welcome to the darkest thread of our adventures.
First thing that's different no more Sunshine, Emerald.
She left me and now she's DEAD.
Oooooh fuck.
And you repl[burp]AAAAAA[/burp]ced her as my defacto traveling companion on my adventures.
I could never make a hive if I didn't have your ass, so now you know the REAL reason I keep you safe.
And if you tell Ruby or anyone I said any of this I'll deny it, and they'll take my side because I can MAKE them Emerald.
And now you're gonna... go and do whatever I say Emerald!
AnaannaI'll I'll I'll go out and I'll find some more of those ingredients Emerald.
Tha- because that's- that's what this is all about Emerald.
Th-th-that's my one-armed pony.
I'm not driven by avenging my old companions Emerald. That was FAKE.
Ah ah ah- I'm driven by finding those ingredients Emerald. I want those ingredients Emerald.
That's my CYOA arc Emerald. If it takes 900 threads, I want my potion- ingredients Emerald.
That's what's gonna- it's gonna take us all the way to ecstasy Emerald.
Thread- 900 more threads Emerald. 900 more threads until I get those ingredients.
97 more years Emerald. I want those ingredients Emerald.
This CYOA is finished and being archived, but it's creator and community are still active on the Discord Server.
There is also a Fan Wiki