Emerald tries his food. It's some sort of cabbage soup and it's quite delicious.
Emerald asks if she is impressed that he could use the beacon.
"Yeah. It did almost kill you though." Joyride says, "I didn't think you'd have it in you. I actually haven't seen you practice for a while after all."
Emerald grimaces. It has been a few days hasn't it?
Emerald regales Joyride with the story of him reuniting with Giles. He makes sure to call Joyride his "Sexy, Sexy Aunt". She laughs and comments that bringing someone out of the closet would certainly be a good lesson for a student of hers. She otherwise ignores the sexy aunt comment.
Emerald asks about the downsides of being immortal. She mentioned something about it before, and though he doesn't want to mention this, Sunshine mentioned something about it as well.
"Ah, well... There are the obvious ones. Immortality, or at least my brand of it, sort of freezes your physical body in the state that it was in when it was made immortal for the most part. You cannot for instance, exercise and get stronger. For females, you can't get pregnant, nor do you have periods or the like. You can also never die from dehydration or hunger, though you will still get hungry and thirsty. You will also never age, which can cause some problems if you stick around in one area for too long. It also means you'll see everyone you know age and die before your eyes."
Joyride takes a few mouthfuls of her food and then continues, "Also, you gain a pretty strong resistance to poisons, venoms, sickness, etc. Which makes it really hard to enjoy any sort of recreational drugs or alcohol unless they are particularly strong."
Joyride then scratches the side of her face and says, "...You can also withstand a lot more destruction of your physical form than a pony would normally. Depending on the situation that can be quite the downside."
What does Emerald do?
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