Feeling a bit of a chill, Emerald goes back to the broken bed and grabs the blanket sitting atop it. While there he pokes his head into the closet to see if he can find a journal or anything.
Unfortunately the closet looks like it has been ransacked already. Emerald marches out into the cold, slightly cloudy morning and over to Joyride. He stops a little behind her, not sure what he should say.
She glances over her shoulder very slowly, and then back out to the water before saying, "You need to rest, Emerald. I gotta admit, I never expected you to be strong enough to actually use one of the Etheric Beacons."
The unicorn doesn't say any more than that. Her shoulders are slumping forward slightly, and in the few seconds he saw her Emerald notices that the unicorn's eyes were a bit puffy. The bags under her eyes also seemed a lot larger than usual.
What does Emerald do?
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