Today's prompt: Draw a pony arriving in the nick of time / Draw a pony making up for lost time.
Like many ponies in Equestria, Cookie is a big fan of the Daring Do series of adventure novels. Therefore, when a new book in the series is released, she's eager to get her copy as soon as possible, even when she's running late on that particular day. Of course, it pays to have a close friend who's a bookseller, and though Syntax did have to go by-the-book (no pun intended) to make sure Cookie was guaranteed a copy, even if she hadn't, he would have made sure she didn't miss out.
This also was a good opportunity to include another of my OCs: Paige, Syntax's dutiful shop assistant. =)
Also, Daring Do and the Basilisk's Eye was a title concept I came up with when I was still writing 'Living in Equestria' on FIMFiction, lol