So, here we are with Season 4! This season is quite interesting, it had share of darker episodes. It had really cool arc for Twilight (With the episodes Princess Twilight Sparkles and Twilight's Kingdom). Not to mention that Discord got a well-deserved redemption in the final episode (Too bad it got ruined in Season 9...😒)
Again, just like the previous three seasons, Season 4 had heartwarming and entertaining moments (As well as dark moments!), the songs were also really good and the introduction of new characters (Like Maud Pie, Mane-iac and Tirek [My all-time favourite MLP villain!]) was really good. Mind you, I'm not really fan of Cheese Sandwich, not because the shipping with him and Pinkie (Note: I ship Pinkie Pie with Fluttershy), but I just don't find him interesting. Sorry...🤷♂️
For my favourite episode of Season 4, it would be For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls. I like how it's a clever twist of the classic story "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Princess Luna once again did a great job at helping out. And the ending with Rarity and Sweetie Belle sharing a sister hug is really wholesome!😊
For my least favourite, Fill Vanill. While, it was nice hearing Flutterguy again and I did chuckle at Applejack guessing the situation without asking questions, there is unfortunately one thing that puts me off.....WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING PINKIE PIE AN A--HOLE?! I know Pinkie is a chatterbox (And sometimes it is rather amusing), but putting pressure on Fluttershy and making her cry?! COME ON, PINKIE! YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT! And to think, I thought how badly they f--ked up James in Apology Impossible, but THIS just takes the biscuit!😠
Overall, a really nice and dark season!