We four of us did a collaboration pic of our OCs as fitting Final Fantasy classes!
From left-
Countess Sweet Bun is a Red Mage, who dabbles in a selection of both healing White Magic and combative Black Magic.
Lightpoint is a Scholar, an enemy analyzer who uses some magic as well (depending on the game), his coat taken from the scholar's clothes from the Final Fantasy 3 remake.
Dust is a Gunblader, who uses the combination sword/pistol weapon made famous by Squall from Final Fantasy VIII.
BGP is a Black Mage, who uses all types of offensive magic.
Lightpoint's base by stardust-rebellion https://www.deviantart.com/stardust-rebellion/art/MLP-Base-4-680675735
Lightpoint's book by psychicwalnut https://www.deviantart.com/psychicwalnut/art/Resource-Open-Book-399315188
Dust's pose reference by pegasski >>2485536
Banners by Countderpy
Shading by Morrigun