Sea Caster Cuddles Lapis
Sea Caster hummed to himself as he laid upon his web, a mostly cocooned mare fast asleep on his fluffy chest. His hooves and legs gently touched and stroked her body, not to exploit her beautiful body, but to see her, Sea caster let his eyes work to picture her as his senses described. She was fair, young, and gentle, a lovely Pegasus. Sea caster was mostly blind, faint shapes and dull shadows were all his once lively eyes could see now. The mare in his arms, her name was Lapis, named after a precious gem, shifted in her binds, sighing softly. Sea Caster let her shift, but kept her close, warm and safe. Sea caster petted her mane softly, her mane was soft and clean and smelled so very sweet, like the Lilacs that grow near here. He wished he could see her face, he imagined she was breath taking to behold. He sighed, and continued softly humming.
Yep, Sea caster is blind.
Lapis @ Planet1337