Greetings everypony! Darkblaze here with another long-overdue piece of MLP art! In this piece, we're once again featuring my four main original characters, but this time with a bit of a design upgrade. I've actually been sitting and working on these designs for a while now, but I finally feel it's time to show them to the world!
Overall, I'm satisfied with the end results and think it better captures my unique and evolving style better than before. While I'm not completely finished or pleased with some aspects, I feel it's a good stepping stone to get me on the right path with differentiating myself and my art. One thing that helped me significantly with these was creating the generic "blank" base to begin with so that I could ensure the poses would have some sort of uniformity and cohesion between them. Hope you all enjoy these design updates and until next time, always remember: DON'T SILENCE CREATIVITY!