the next pair of designs from my Apples to the Core grid! These were super fun prompts : )
B1 - Magic Apple - Owned by ponymaws
Magic Apple is the son of Shining Armor and Big Mac. Like Big Mac, he's a quiet, thoughtful stallion, speaking his mind only when absolutely necessary. He's a powerful mage, born with a gift for magic that rivals some of the most talented unicorns in Celestia's academy. His power is so far undiscovered- his life on the farm is tranquil, so he doesn't often have a reason to go all-out. He has a small orchard in his own section of Sweet Apple Acres, an orchard which grows enchanted and hexed apples that have a variety of effects on the ponies that eat them.
A2 - Fruitbat - Owned by AndroidHalo
Fruitbat is the child of Applejack and Princess Luna, and despite being royalty themselves, they really have no interest in the regality and pomp that comes with their title. Their home is in the country, where they have acres of apple trees to roam through instead of being cramped in some stuffy palace. And besides- if they lived in Canterlot, where would they keep their bat boxes? Fruitbat's greatest joy is attending the bat boxes they've attached to the barn, feeding the bats within all of the leftover apples that dropped to the ground before they could be picked. It's a good way to use up produce that would have otherwise gone to waste, and it keeps the bats from threatening the orchards.